Mobile UV System
The Room Alert Mobile UV System is AVTECH’s solution for protecting your facility against viruses and bacteria to prevent downtime caused by health, safety and wellness impacts. Recently, environmental concerns beyond just high heat, power loss, water leaks and more have jumped to the forefront for organizations that depend on their facilities to offer services, such as schools, hospitals, government installations and more. The health and well-being of your employees, tenants, students, and patrons have become more important than ever before.
To help our customers safely disinfect and sanitize their facilities, AVTECH is offering the new Mobile UV System. The Mobile UV System is a portable and affordable device that offers air and surface sterilization through the use of Germicidal UV (GUV) lamps. Organizations can use the Mobile UV System in conjunction with standard cleaning procedures to help disinfect areas such as offices, classrooms, public areas, hotel rooms, rest rooms, conference rooms and more.