
Network planning drives business performance

With the addition of new devices, multiple application delivery methods, and higher bandwidth communication methods, networks are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, they are vital: carrying the information that, literally, is the business. Companies need to ensure that the network is robust and stable, that it is capable of surviving node failures, and that technology rollouts like cloud migrations improve performance rather than cause problems.

SteelCentral NetPlanner enables companies to plan and design multi-technology, multi-vendor networks with complete lifecycle support including network data import, baseline analysis, cost-effective network change planning, survivability testing and configlet generation for push to network devices.

How it work

SteelCentral NetPlanner helps carriers, ISPs, government agencies, and enterprises facilitate service and technology deployments. The solution provides complete lifecycle support including network data import, baseline analysis, network change planning, survivability analysis, and configlet generation to apply changes to devices.

The solution’s ability to model network behavior and the supported

  • Automates capacity planning, survivability analysis, and traffic engineering workflows combined with comprehensive, business-relevant reporting
  • Supports network planning for traffic trends, technology rollouts and key initiatives such as data center migration, deployment of Unified Communications, VPN, and IPv6 migration
  • Improve network survivability by predicting the impact of node, link, or shared risk group failures and network planning protection strategies 

Benefits of SteelCentral NetPlanner

The solution helps mitigate risks associated with network deployments by aiding evaluation of network architectures and technology migration plans. Companies are to better able plan for network capacity, survivability, and manage network traffic.

SteelCentral NetPlanner enables companies to:

  • Understand the impact of planned changes;
  • Right-size network to meet business needs;
  • Minimize risk for network operations and projects.