VM Backup appliance based on QNAP Nas
Install NAKIVO Backup & Replication on a QNAP NAS to create a high-performance VM backup appliance

Increase Backup Speed
However, when NAKIVO Backup & Replication is installed on QNAP NAS, VM backup performance can be increased even further.
The performance is increased due to the fact that NAKIVO Backup & Replication can write backups directly to NAS disks, bypassing the overhead of network protocols, such as NFS and CIFS. As a result, VM backup and replication jobs can complete up to 2X faster vs. VM-based backup solutions!
Save Storage Space
- Skip swap files and partitions: unnecessary swap data are automatically excluded from VM backups, so the size of VM backups is smaller;
- Global data deduplication: duplicate data blocks are excluded from the VM backup, so only unique data blocks are kept in the backup repository;
- Compression: each unique data block is further automatically compressed, thus, minimizing the VM backup size.

Ensure Reliability of VM Backup

By installing NAKIVO Backup & Replication on a QNAP NAS, you can separate backup software and backup storage from your virtualized environment.
This way you free your infrastructure resources from backup workloads and ensure that you can recover your data anytime and anywhere, even if some of your VMware or Hyper-V servers are down.
A VM backup appliance can be located onsite or offsite and can be easily moved to a new location in case of a disaster. One physical device contains everything you need for recovery – hardware, software, and VM backups from which you can restore.
Make Disaster Recovery Easy
A QNAP NAS-based VM backup appliance has all necessary components streamlining disaster recovery: backed up VM data, feature-rich software, and reliable hardware.
Therefore, this VM backup appliance is configured and ready to be used for instant recovery of VMs, Microsoft Exchange objects, Microsoft SQL Server Objects, Microsoft Active Directory objects, and files of Windows-based and Linux-based VMs.

Save Costs on VM Backup

When backup software is installed in a VM, it consumes the server’s CPU and RAM, which could be used to run production workloads. In addition, backup data would have to travel over the network from the backup server to its destination, loading the server’s network and affecting the performance of all VMs on that server.
NAKIVO Backup & Replication combines affordable pricing with minimal system requirements: the product can be installed even on entry-level QNAP NAS, such as TS-451U. And when it comes to enterprise-level data protection, the combination of NAKIVO Backup & Replication and QNAP NAS is at least 5X less expensive than purpose-built backup appliances with similar hardware and software characteristics.