
MailStore V22.2: Support for Windows 11, Windows Server 2022 and TLS 1.3

The New MailStore Version 22.2 is now available! 

The new version is compatible with Microsoft Windows 11 and Microsoft Windows Server 2022 operating systems. The software now also supports TLS 1.3. In addition to these new features, several tweaks have been made to improve the software. Version 22.2 of MailStore Server also comes with an updated GDPR certification.

The new features of Version 22.2 for MailStore Server:

Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022

MailStore installation can use the latest Microsoft operating systems! This gives you maximum flexibility and autonomy when it comes to choosing an appropriate operating system platform for installing MailStore. Moreover, support for the latest operating systems reinforces the commitment to protect customers' long-term investment in MailStore e-mail archiving solutions.

TLS 1.3 support

MailStore 22.2 supports the latest version of TLS encryption, namely TLS 1.3. Using the latest encryption standard increases security whenever using your MailStore software remotely - especially on public networks in such places as airports. Since all incoming connections to MailStore Server and MailStore SPE are encrypted, login data, for example, are optimally protected against unauthorized access by third parties.

GDPR certification updated

The certification takes into account all relevant aspects of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and shows that, when used properly, MailStore Server meets all requirements governing the processing of personal data set out in the GDPR.

Want more information about MailStore Server? Contact us!