Hitachi Protection Platform cuts costs and eliminates complexity in your data center. The platform’s remote replication feature delivers a fast, cost-efficient way to replicate massive data volumes, allowing you to meet the disaster recovery requirements of your large enterprise with ease.
- Replication status view shows the percent completion of replication jobs (by bar code) througn each phase of replication.
- Replication trend data shows up to 90 days of data on replication performance and efficiency for system optimization as well as detailed trend analysis and bandwidth planning.
- User-friendly reports put key data at your figertips, including time of replication job transfer, time completed, percent completed and transfer status.
- Open Data format lets you upload data into thrid-party reporting tools for further analysis.
- Replication configuration wizards make setup of the source data protection appliance and target appliance intuitive and simple.
- Windowing policies let you choose the data you want to replicate and set the time and replication frequency.