Privacy Center

DSSI Privacy Center simplifies your acess to subjects regarding privacy and personal data protection, get in touch on how DSSI gets, process and use your information.

Our privacy Policy describes how DSSI get, use, works on or share (or downloads) your personal data when you use DSSI’s website, when you register in DSSI’s websites (acess not registered in DSSI’s website and registered in Partner Portal), fill out of forms in website and communication emails. We also specifie how your data are saved by DSSI for support and billing issues.

DSSI has as commitment to secure a quality service to all website contacts and users, as well as demonstrate compliance with all aspects of Data Protection standards.

In accordance with the terms of the Personal Data Protection Act, the user and individual are guaranteed the right to access, update, rectify, delete and to transfer their personal data from the DSSI database, as well as the right to oppose the use of your data for marketing purposes, and for that you must inform the DSSI by email address. In addition, every email sent by DSSI for marketing purposes (promotional or informative) has in its footnote the possibility of editing and removing the DSSI contact list.

About DSSI

DSSI is a Value Added Distributor that is present in Portugal, Spain, Mozambique and Angola, where re
A DSSI atua como Distribuidor de Valor Acrescentado na área de Tecnologias de Informação em Portugal, Espanha, Moçambique e Angola, where it represents a portfolio of manufacturers of 4 key information technology areas, most of which have no physical presence in the territories where DSSI represents them: Storage, Backup and Archive; Monitoring and Help Desk; Networking; Security and Mobility.

To contact DSSI (Data Controller) and/or yours DPO (Data Protection Officer)

DSSI (Data Controller)
Zoom Business Park | Edifício E, Piso 1, Escritório 3, Estrada de Paço de Arcos
2735-307 Agualva São Marcos – Portugal
Telefone: +351210938301
Email: geral@

DPO (Data Protection Officer)
Patrícia Romão
DSSI – Zoom Business Park | Edifício E, Piso 1, Escritório 3, Estrada de Paço de Arcos
2735-307 Agualva São Marcos – Portugal
Telefone: +351218051560
Email: p.romao@

As a user or a visitor of DSSI’s website, you also have the right to have your rights safeguarded and explicits, find out more:

Website DSSI

The DSSI website automatically collects a range of information when it is accessed. This information is stored on the website server as log files and together with some statistical analysis partners such as Google Analytics and Hotjar, which may be as follows (depending on your operating system and browser settings):
(1) the type of browser;
(2) the operating system used;
(3) the website from which the user arrives at the DSSI website (so-called referrers);
(4) the IP (Internet Protocol Address) being always anonymous, where it is only possible to visualize the general area of access and not to identify the individual or specific place of access.
(5) time of session / visit to the website
(6) the flow of pages visited.

In addition, the website uses cookies, web beacons and built-in scripts that allow DSSI to improve the user experience and content presented on its website. For more information on these elements, see the following Cookies Policy


»The user undertakes, in its use of the DSSI website to comply with applicable law, namely the Copyright and Related Rights Code, the Industrial Property Code and the Informatics Crime Law, as well as to act as good faith belief and to make a use of the website that does not offend any third party rights.
»The management of the DSSI website is not responsible for any damages caused to your system or your personal data resulting from the download of files or information on the website.
»The management of the DSSI website is not responsible for the quality, safety, functionality, legality or lawfulness of the links and resources referenced outside the DSSI website, even when they are links mentioned by the DSSI website.
»It is expressly prohibited for any user to create or introduce any virus types or programs that alter or damage the operation and contents made available by DSSI.

In addition, if you are a user of the DSSI website that is registered in the Partner Portal the terms and conditions that apply to you have some specific characteristics.

DSSI actively communicates with his contacts for various purposes and in different ways. In this section you will be able to know how the communications are organized, their rights and the legal responsibilities of DSSI. There are four communication groups that you can receive from DSSI:
  1. Marketing Communications;
  2. Comercial Communications;
  3. Financial and / or contractual Communications;
  4. Support Communications.
Below the DSSI will specify by communication group the rights and the responsibilities of DSSI.

1. Marketing Communications

A DSSI permite aos utilizadores do seu website solicitarem a receção de comunicações via email. Estas são comunicações regulares que procuram ser o mais alinhadas possível com as espectativas dos seus utilizadores. Para tal a DSSI tem vários tipos de comunicações que direciona a públicos segmentados.

As comunicações de Marketing efetuadas pela DSSI são organizadas por tipo:
1. Informativos (Newsletters e Novidades);
2. Campanhas;
3. Eventos;
4. Formação (Webinars e Workshops);
5. Telemarketing;
6. Passatempos.

A qualquer momento os utilizadores podem editar que comunicações recebem, informação sobre si mesmos, bem como remover o seu email da lista de envio da DSSI. A DSSI por virtude de se encontrar em várias geografias, tem várias listas de contactos de email, consequentemente cada lista tem um processo individual de remoção.



A DSSI pretende proteger os seus direitos com as tecnologias e fornecedores que utiliza garantindo os direitos base da proteção de dados:

  • Direito de retificação: os subscritores das comunicações DSSI podem solicitar que as suas informações sejam atualizadas ou corrigidas.
  • Direito ao esquecimento: os subscritores das comunicações DSSI podem solicitar que as suas informações sejam esquecidas. Ou seja, que qualquer informação guardada pela DSSI até esse momento sobre a pessoa seja eliminada.
  • Direito à portabilidade: os subscritores das comunicações DSSI podem solicitar que as suas informações sejam transmitidas para outra organização ou para um concorrente.
  • Direito de oposição: os subscritores das comunicações DSSI podem solicitar que as suas informações não sejam objeto de certos processamentos ou usos, revogar o seu consentimento quando e se pretendido.
  • Direito de acesso: os subscritores das comunicações DSSI têm o direito de conhecer todos os dados coletados sobre elas e qual o seu tipo de utilização.



A DSSI de forma a garantir a relevância das suas comunicações para os seus subscritores utiliza uma ferramenta que agrega estatísticas sobre o sucesso dos emails enviados para a sua base de dados. Esta ferramenta faz a deteção de:

  • Número e percentagem de cliques;
  • Número e percentagem de emails entregues;
  • Número e percentagem de emails rejeitados;
  • Número de Aberturas únicas;
  • Total de aberturas e percentagem;
  • Localização geográfica das aberturas por percentagem;
  • Número e taxa de cliques;
  • Queixas;
  • Total de Remoções;
  • Quais os domínios mais relevantes na receção de emails da DSSI com a informação das percentagens de mensagens enviadas, bounces (emails devolvidos a quando de um envio), aberturas, cliques e remoções;
  • Quais os leitores de email mais utilizados pelos utilizadores que recebem as comunicações da DSSI.



Qualquer utilizador pode editar os seus dados de registo e preferências de emails que escolhe receber da DSSI em qualquer momento, para tal basta aceder ao seguinte link do website da DSSI » e preencher o formulário com os dados solicitados (especificamente com o mesmo endereço de email que recebe as comunicações da DSSI), assim atualizará o seu perfil de preferências de email DSSI.



Todos os emails da DSSI têm nos seus rodapés um link para remover o seu email da lista de envio, possibilitando a todos os que recebem as comunicações da DSSI deixarem de as receber. Adicionalmente, a DSSI (bem como muitas outras empresas) utiliza um serviço português para enviar os seus emails, chamado Egoi, pode neste link remover o seu email de todas as listas das empresas que utilizam o Egoi como serviço de envio de emails para bases de dados.



A DSSI utiliza um serviço externo de envio de emails de marketing para as suas bases de dados de contactos. A utilização do serviço significa que a base de dados de envio da DSSI se encontra alojada neste fornecedor de serviços. Este fornecedor é o E-goi, uma empresa portuguesa, os alojamentos dos seus dados encontram-se completamente em território português.
Os dados alojados, encontram-se em bases de dados independentes garantindo confiabilidade e estanquicidade, existe implementada uma anonimização de fluxos de informação, bem como firewalls configuradas em regime de fortificações semi-independentes.
Adicionalmente para evitar a perda de dados, existe um serviço de Backups próprios e auditados implementados no serviço do E-goi.

2. Commercial Communications

The DSSI establishes commercial relations in the field of information technology, mainly with other companies, establishing contacts at the level of existing commercial relations as well as new commercial relations.

DSSI being a Value Added Distributor, follows a channel model that implies the transmission of information with the Manufacturers that represents and with its Clients / Business Partners. Sometimes shares business information with third parties.


When a new business opportunity arises, this opportunity may have to be shared with third parties, being the makers of the technologies on which the opportunity is raised and partners. It is identified as a Business Opportunity, the possibility of establishing new business relationships with an entity, this specific information that contains personal data of the responsible persons involved in that process.

When DSSI organizes an event, workshop or webinar together with one of its manufacturers, your data can also be shared with the same third parties.


Manufacturers represented by DSSI may originate from countries outside the European Union’s borders, however all data are shared to develop and close business opportunities, as well as to improve relations of interest with the manufacturer itself (in the specific case of assistance to Events, Webinars or Workshops) and client.


For the purposes of new business opportunities, the data shared with the manufacturers are: Company name, Taxpayer number, Telephone, Address, Contact person in the IT, Commercial, Logistic Contact, Financial Contact, respective emails, telephones / mobile phones and address (office).

When registering for events, workshops or webinars that DSSI organizes in conjunction with its manufacturers, this information can be Name, Function, Company, Email and mobile number.


DSSI as a Distributor of Value Added and representative of the technologies sold seeks to be rigorous and transparent in the way it establishes business in the market, trying not to demonstrate preferences of established Partnerships and protecting the opportunities of its partners when they first contact.

The transmission of this data is used in an initial way to register a new opportunity and to avoid that there are several competitors in the same bid for the same business. Later this data is useful for the ordering process.

3. Financial and/or contractual Communications

DSSI when it has an established business relationship (for example, which involved a purchase) retains a set of data for financial and / or contractual purposes, which relates to legal obligations.

In these cases, given the type of relationship established between the parties, there is no legal requirement of the contact to give their consent to be contacted and for their data to be stored for these purposes.
However, DSSI safeguards that the same data is protected by integrated security technologies and that its servers where this data is stored (100% in national territory) are encrypted.
Taking into account the basis of legitimate interest and legal obligations that are established by this type of relationship, it is not possible for an individual to request the removal of their email from the DSSI database, nor to request to be forgotten, during the legal period (in cases of billing the DSSI has to keep the information for a retention period of up to 5 years, for legal reasons).

4. Support Communications

A DSSI quando tem uma relação efetiva comercial estabelecida (por exemplo, que tenha implicado uma compra) associa muitas vezes esta relação a contratos de suporte, suporte este que é dado pelos Técnicos DSSI e por vezes em conjunto com o fabricante da Tecnologia que exige a necessidade de suporte, ou seja os seus dados para fins de suporte são partilhados com terceiros, mas não armazenados em tempo algum por terceiros.

O suporte DSSI faz uso de uma ferramenta interna para gestão de pedidos de suporte, ferramenta esta que permite estabelecer um canal único de comunicação para resolução de problemas técnicos exclusivamente, que gera emails automáticos de início e fecho de ação de cada situação de suporte, bem como as respostas para a resolução são muitas vezes por este meio, podendo por vezes ser também feito suporte telefónico.

Dado o interesse legítimo dos intervenientes nos casos de suporte não é solicitado um consentimento para o desenvolver das comunicações de suporte.

Adicionalmente, a informação trocada sobre o suporte prestado é mantida para histórico do cliente, verificação de cumprimento contratual e processos de melhoria de serviço de suporte. A DSSI salvaguarda que estes mesmos dados retidos sobre o suporte prestado são protegidos por tecnologias de segurança integrada e que os seus servidores onde estão alojados estes dados (100% em território nacional).


Para aceder ao Suporte Técnico da DSSI é necessário ter um contrato de bolsa de horas ou porque as soluções adquiridas se encontram em período de garantia, sendo que após essa validação o pedido de suporte poderá ser aberto por enviar um email para o suporte@ ou através do login no seguinte link


Em alguns casos o suporte solicitado pode exigir a intervenção do fabricante, apesar de durante esta intervenção não serem armazenados os dados, em alguns dos casos informação sensível poderá ser visualizada apenas para fins de suporte e da solução do problema.


Se pretender deixar de ter uma conta que lhe permite abrir tickets na Plataforma DSSI, tem de fazer chegar o seu pedido por email, através do support@

Contudo, salvaguardamos que o histórico de tickets abertos e fechados até à data será mantido. Mesmo assim continuará a ser-lhe possível abril tickets através do email suporte@

User data are collected for these types of communications mentioned above through forms on the DSSI website. In all forms are required to agree with the use of the data for specific purposes.
Forms take two formats:
  • to access exclusive content;
  • to receive marketing / commercial communications of DSSI – Newsletters, contests, information on manufacturers represented by DSSI, information on campaigns available in the DSSI, formations and information – these communications have the purpose of commercial promotion of DSSI and its commercial partnerships;

Forms to access exclusive content

DSSI produces for its website some exclusive content, content that is relevant to individuals interested in technology, both in solutions represented by DSSI and articles that give more insight about topics on the area of ​​technology.
In order for a user of the DSSI website to be able to access these resources, the user must fill out a small form, where he must expressly give his consent to receive DSSI marketing information, agree to the terms of use of the website and consent to the subsequent contact by the Commercial team of DSSI, however the user may choose not to give their consent and access the said content in the same way.
All data requested is for DSSI (if express consent) to categorize the contact as a business opportunity and so DSSI can contact the individual evaluate the interest as well as add to DSSI contact database for marketing purposes (if so allowed by the user).
The data requested in these forms are:
  1. Name – data requested so that the subsequent contact is directed;
  2. Function / Position – data requested for better segmentation of contact profile;
  3. E-mail – data requested so that DSSI Email Marketing campaigns have a mailbox where they arrive;
  4. Mobile – to be given direct contact;
  5. Company – given the business area, the company to which the individual is associated turns out to be important for the communication segmentation that DSSI has to fulfill to honor its partnerships and distribution contracts

DSSI Marketing Communications Subscription Form

The DSSI likes to maintain a close and informed relationship with all its contacts, in this sense it seeks, with directed communications, to inform and interact with its database. Any user through the website can request that his contact be added to the DSSI email marketing list.
The Form to receive marketing communications has the following fields:
  1. Name – data requested so that the subsequent contact is directed;
  2. Mobile – to be given a direct contact;
  3. Company – given the business area, the company to which the individual is associated turns out to be important for the communication segmentation that DSSI has to fulfill to honor its partnerships and distribution contracts;
  4. E-mail – data requested so that DSSI Email Marketing campaigns have a mailbox where they arrive;
  5. Country – to have a more market-focused marketing strategy DSSI segment its communications by country;
  6. I would like to receive – in this section users can choose the type of information they would like to receive from DSSI – Newsletters and News, Campaigns, Events, Training (Webinars and Workshops), Telemarketing and Hobbies.

DSSI has created this reserved area, exclusive to its Partners, where they can register and access the Partner Portal DSSI.

In this reserved area, authorized Partners will have access to resources that will help them increase their profitability and develop new opportunities in their clients, always aligned with their business model.
Access to this reserved area is done through the completion of registration data, access validation by the Partner Portal Administrators and login. The data collected in the registration process is as follows and is collected for the following reasons:
  1. Name – data requested for access to be associated with an individual;
  2. User name – data requested so that authenticated and secure access to the Partner Portal DSSI is possible;
  3. Password / Password – requested data so that authenticated and secure access to the Partner Portal DSSI is possible;
  4. E-mail – data requested to allow authenticated and secure access to the Partner Portal DSSI, for this email will be sent authentication links and also DSSI communications;
  5. Company – requested information so that the Partnership Relationship between the company and DSSI is validated by the Partner Portal Administrators;
  6. Function – data requested for better segmentation of contact profile;
  7. Mobile Number – data requested so that it is possible for DSSI to validate the Partnership relationship and for there to be a direct contact with user and Partner.

Others Terms and Conditions of the Partner Portal

»Management of the website may, without prior notice, void any registration if it determines that the user has provided false information or made abusive use of the rights, terms and conditions of registration.

»The username and password are confidential data of each user and are reserved for your personal use only.
»The management of the website reserves the right to, without prior notification, modify the privileges of the registered user status, as well as to change the terms and conditions of use of this website.

Where are your data when you subscribe to the Partner Portal and how they are protected

DSSI uses an external hosting service from its website, a Portuguese service, with accommodation exclusively in Portugal. The Datacenter in which the DSSI websites are hosted and consequently the Partner Portal DSSI are TIER 3 with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 27001 (Security) certification.
In addition, all websites have implemented a backup system. The access of registered users in the Partner Portal are protected by the authentication through username and password with the use of algorithms of encryption.
Adicionalmente, todos os websites tem implementados um sistema de backups. O acesso de utilizadores registados no Partner Portal são protegidos pela autenticação através de username e password com a utilização algoritmos de encriptação.

What are Cookies ?

Cookies are small text files that a website, when visited by the user, places on your computer or on your mobile device through the browser. Cookies help websites to store and retrieve information about their browsing habits to personalize browsing according to their preferences.

At any time the user can, through their Internet browser, decide to be notified about the reception of cookies, as well as block the respective entry into their system.

A qualquer momento, o usuário pode, por meio do navegador da Internet, decidir ser notificado sobre a recepção de cookies, além de bloquear a respectiva entrada em seu sistema.

What does implies the not authorization of Cookies ?

The refusal to use cookies on the website may result in the inability to access some of your areas or to receive personalized information.

DSSI also use Web Beacons and embedded scripts. What are Web Beacons ?

Web beacons and embedded scripts (as well as other similar technologies) are pieces of programmatic code found on some pages, emails and ads that measure how you use those contents, such as the links you press. We use this information to improve our content and make it more personalized to you.

How Can I Manage my Cookies ?

If you are not comfortable with the use of cookies on our website, you can control their use through your browser settings. You can delete or remove cookies that are cached from your browsing history, as well as configure them so that they are not saved again.

  • Mozilla Firefox »
  • Google Chrome »
  • Internet Explorer »
  • Opera »
  • Safari »


Cookie Type
ChatChat.chatra.io__cfduidExpires within 365 days.The ‘__cfduid’ cookie is used by the CloudFlare service that the Chat we have on our website uses to identify reliable web traffic. This cookie does not make any user identification, and it doesn’t store any personal information.
 Chat.chatra.ioChatra.referrer; Chatra.lastPageViewAt; Chatra.clientId
Without expiration date.
These cookies are used to collect information about users who use our website and specifically our chat. We use these cookies to provide our users with a better and more personalized chat experience. These cookies collect information on the number of visitors, origin, geolocation, session time, how many pages were visited and whether or not the chat window was triggered.
Without expiration date.
This cookie is used to gather information about users using our website and specifically our chat. We use this cookie to provide our users with a better and more personalized conversation experience. This cookie collects information on the number of visitors, provenance, geolocation, session time, how many pages were visited and whether or not the chat window was triggered.

General Statistics

Cookie Type
(ex.: Google Analytics)
Google Analytics.dssi.pt_ga; _gid; _gat; _gat_UA-48400257-1; _cfduid
Expires within 2 years.
These cookies are used to gather information about the users who use our website, we use this information to compile reports that help us to improve the website. These cookies collect the information in an anonymous way, from the number of visitors, provenance, session time and how many pages have been visited. Learn more»
Expires within 6 months.
Our Contacts page has a Google Maps map embedded with our location to help you find us more easily, by using it, Google will save this cookie to your computer.

Google Advertising

Cookie Type
Expires after 10 minutes.
It is used by Google DoubleClick to record and report user actions on the website after viewing or clicking in ads, in order to measure the effectiveness of an ad and deliver targeted ads to the user.
 Google.doubleclick.nettest_cookieExpires at the end of the session.It is used to verify that the user’s browser supports cookies.
Expires within 3 months.
This cookie uses unique codes that help you to use more effectively online advertising. They store information about which advertising was shown and how many times it was served. Does not store personal information. For more information on this cookie, see the following link:
Expires within 24 hours.
This cookie has a non-unique value: “1”. It helps the platform to analyze whether or not the browser allows cookies. For more information on this cookie, see the following link:
Expires within 6 months.
Identifies the user for the programmatic ads.
khaos; put_#; rpb
Expires within 6 months.
Records information about the anonymised user, such as IP, geographic location, websites visited, and ads that the user clicked on previously, for the purpose of optimizing the display of ads on websites using the same network.
Expires within one month.
This cookie is generated by Double-click Tags, memorizing random strings.

Google Cookies

Cookie Type
1P_JARgoogle.comExpire in 1 montUsed to limit the percentage of requests
ANIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsThis cookie is used to manage profiles based on user interest, in order to show them personalized ads
APISIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsAdvertising measures and recommendations
CONSENTgoogle.comExpire in 20 yearsThis cookie is used to manage profiles based on user interest, in order to show them personalized ads
DVgoogle.comExpire in 7 minutesThese cookies are used to collect information about how users use our website. We use the information to compile reports and improve our website.
HSIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsMeasures advertising performance and provides recommendations
NIDgoogle.comExpire in 182 daysUsed to limit the percentage of requests
OTZgoogle.comExpire in 1 monthCollect information on preferences for use in advertising
SAPISIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsAdvertising measures and recommendations
SEARCH_SAMESITEgoogle.comExpire in 1 yearThis cookie is used to prevent the browser from sending this cookie along with cross-references on site.
SIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsAdvertising measures and recommendations
__Secure-3PAPISIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsThese cookies are used to provide advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests
__Secure-3PSIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsThese cookies are used to provide advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests
__Secure-3PSIDCCgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsThese cookies are used to provide advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests
SIDCCgoogle.comExpire in 3 monthsProvides services and extracts anonymous navigational information
SSIDgoogle.comExpire in 2 yearsMeasures ad performance and provides recommendations

Cookie Preferences

Cookie Type
Preferências de Cookies
Websitewww.dssi.ptjbcookiesExpire in 1 yearThis cookie allows our website to remember the choices of users regarding whether they are informed about this use of cookies.
ID Load Balancer
AWSALBCORS  Expire in 1 yearThis cookie is managed by AWS and is used to balance the load.


Cookie Type
No expiration date.
No expiration date.

Email Marketing

Cookie Type
Email Marketing
No expiration date.
This cookie is used to manage user sessions that have filled out a form on our website so that our website will remember the entered data and the user doesn’t have to always fill in his / her data when filling out a form.


Cookie Type
Expires within 8 months.
We have videos embedded in our website of our Youtube Channel. If you press play YouTube can save cookies into your computer.